Our sponsors make it possible for SAGAA to continue serving current and future LGBTQ+ actuaries. If you’d like to learn more about sponsorship options, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Bronze Sponsor – $1K to $5K


  • Company logo included on SAGAA website
  • Presentation by SAGAA Board or Membership to company ERG or other groups, related to company interests (e.g., LGBTQ+ 101, Intersectionality, etc.)
  • Job postings on SAGAA website, up to two total posting-months
  • Resumé book of SAGAA scholarship applicants

Silver Sponsor – $5K to $20K

All bronze level benefits, plus:

  • Sponsor spotlight in a SAGAA mailing, detailing your company in depth and what makes you unique in a crowded field of competitors
  • Job postings on SAGAA website increased up to four total posting-months
  • Resumé book of SAGAA scholarship applicants delivered 1 week earlier than for Bronze sponsors*

Gold Sponsor – $20K+

All silver level benefits, plus:

  • Novel presentation by SAGAA Board related to research or developing trends
  • Unlimited job postings on SAGAA website
  • Resumé book of SAGAA scholarship applicants, delivered when the scholarship window closes, at least 1 week earlier than for Silver sponsors*

*Tiered resumé book access effective for sponsorships commencing after January 31, 2025.