Highlights from the SAGAA Board |
| Co-Founders Jake Akstins, ACAS and Matthew Gentile, FCAS reflect on the progress of SAGAA as the Casualty Actuarial Society releases the CAS Spotlight on Diversity Infographic sharing a first glimpse of statistics of LGBTQ+ professionals in the actuarial profession. |
| Simone Walker, FCAS, MAAA (she/her) has been nominated as a Casualty Actuarial Society Board Member! As Board Treasurer of SAGAA, her volunteerism extends beyond financial management and governance, also delving into philanthropic work through Mentorship; Company Education; Scholarship; and fostering a sense of belonging amongst actuaries in the LGBTQ+ community. As an ally, Simone has led educational conversations with companies on inclusivity, developed strategic initiatives to further the mission of SAGAA, and liaised with the CAS on developing inclusive communications to membership. Voting ends August 30th! |
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| Sanja Zehnder, FSA, MAAA (she her) has been serving on the SAGAA board for the past two years and currently leads SAGAA’s highly regarded scholarship program! Under Sanja’s dedicated leadership, our scholarship program has continued to grow and develop, providing invaluable support to our community. As we look to the future, we are excited about the continued impact of our scholarship program and the opportunities it will create for deserving students. Please join us in celebrating Sanja’s contributions and the ongoing success of our scholarship initiatives.
Scholarship NewsSAGAA is currently accepting scholarship applications and resumes through September 15, 2024 |
Recent Events
The Infinite Opportunity Actuarial Career Fair was held yesterday, August 22nd, in collaboration with SANA and Abacus Actuaries. Thanks to all who attended and participated in the success of the event!
SAGAA leaders presented at the Joint CAS and SOA Committee on Inclusion, Equity, and Diversity (JCIED) symposium held in Philadelphia, PA on July 31st. |
Upcoming Events
August 25-28 - SOA VALACT Conference
October 2, 2024 - SAGAA virtual Sponsor Town hall (Sponsors, Save the Date!)
November 21, 2024 – SAGAA In-person Networking Event (Save the Date!). The event will be held in Hartford, CT in partnership with one of our sponsors, Travelers Insurance. |
The SAGAA Regulatory and Advocacy Committee (RAC) seeks to influence insurance policy to be more accessible and inclusive of LGBTQ+ individuals. If you have expertise and interest to join in this work, please reach out to Jonah. |
| Presentation: SAGAA frequently presents, educates, and informs interested audiences regarding LGBTQ+ topics of interest. If you feel informed and passionate in helping this mission, please reach out to Dave. |
Administration: The SAGAA Board seeks passionate individuals with experience in nonprofit administration and mailing list management and maintenance to help us improve our processes and continue our growth. If that’s you, please reach out to Craig. |
| Further opportunities and the most up-to-date information, both from us and our sponsors, is always available at our LinkedIn page. Just click on the LinkedIn logo below and give us a follow! |
Sponsorship is always a great way to help our mission, and helps our many initiatives, including but not limited to our scholarship fund for LGBTQ+ and underserved actuarial students. Learn more here. |
Sponsor NewsSAGAA would like to thank all of our existing sponsors for your continued support as many of you have renewed your donations for 2024-25!
| SAGAA Welcomes AON as a brand new sponsor! Thank you and we look forward to partnering with you! |
The Casualty Actuarial Society (CAS) currently has two open calls for presentations for upcoming conferences. This is a great opportunity to share your expertise with your fellow actuaries, hone your speaking skills, and build your reputation as a thought leader in the profession. Session proposals can be for 50-minute informal Roundtable discussions, 60-minute Concurrent sessions, or 75-minute General sessions. |
| The 2025 CAS Ratemaking, Product, and Modeling Seminar will be held March 9-12 in Orlando, FL. Submit proposals by September 3rd. |
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| The 2025 CAS Spring Meeting will be held May 4-7 in Toronto, Canada. Submit proposals by September 22nd. |
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